
   Compound : COMP $53.56275 USD   0.08%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $51.545
$55.076 :high

ABOUT Compound
The Compound Governance Token is a governance token on the Compound Finance lending protocol, COMP allows the owner to delegate voting rights to the address of their choice; the owner’s wallet, another user, an application, or a DeFi expert. Anybody can participate in Compound governance by receiving delegation, without needing to own COMP. Anybody with 1% of COMP delegated to their address can propose a governance action; these are simple or complex sets of actions, such as adding support for a new asset, changing an asset’s collateral factor, changing a market’s interest rate model, or changing any other parameter or variable of the protocol that the current administrator can modify.


Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 220340
Binance Holders: 15776
Arbitrum Holders: 13553

Volume 24hrs: 22151
Volume 24hrs: $1,186,468.48
FD Market Cap: $473.48 Mil
Avail Supply: 8840895
Total Supply: 10000000
Binance: $53.65
Coinbase: $53.66
Kraken: $52.3018 $53.241
Ascendex: $53.7
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
COMPASSSO-BONK Solana orca $314427 2.46% 56.36% 201.82%
COMP-WETH Arbitrum uniswap-v3 $59280 18.18% 39.49% 31.57%
COMP-DOLA Optimism velodrome-v2 $106046 0.01% 0.17% 0.08%
COMP-ICHI Arbitrum ramses-cl $135213 1.42% 0.73% 0%
COMP-CHEX Base aerodrome-v1 $42148 0% -0.01% -0.01%
COMP Ethereum compound-v2 $1682410 0% 0% -0.05%
DOLA-COMP Base aerodrome-v1 $103586 0.13% -1.84% -0.63%
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