
   Raydium: RAY $5.627 USD   1.362%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $5.272267
$5.800533 :high

ABOUT Raydium
Raydium is an automated market maker (AMM) and liquidity provider built on the Solana blockchain for the Serum decentralized exchange (DEX). Raydium has a first-mover advantage as an AMM within Serum and will be an integral part of bringing new and existing projects and protocols into the ecosystem. The protocol will act as a bridge for projects looking to expand to Solana and Serum, and in the process Raydium and the RAY token will become a foundation for enabling further development with partners, its own platform, and the ecosystem as a whole. Unlike any other AMMs, Raydium provides on-chain liquidity to a central limit orderbook, meaning that Raydium LPs get access to the entire orderflow and liquidity of Serum. Long term, Raydium aims to capture and maintain a leadership position among AMMs and liquidity providers on Serum, while leveraging the power of Solana to drive the evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi) and emerge as a leading protocol in the space alongside our partners and the community."


Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 0

Volume 24hrs: 37859481
Volume 24hrs: $213,035,299.59
FD Market Cap: $3.12 Bil
Avail Supply: 290928874
Total Supply: 555000000
Binance: $5.643
Coinbase: $5.63 $5.608
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
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