
   Samoyedcoin: SAMO $0.00624101 USD   -0.217%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $0.00619759
$0.00640363 :high

ABOUT Samoyedcoin
Amid the rise of "memecoins" and Solana in 2021, Samoyedcoin (SAMO) was born to promote, educate and support the Solana ecosystem. Seeing the potential of online communities, the advantages of Solana, and the influence dog coins have in onboarding new market participants, marketing their underlying blockchain, and infiltrating modern-day culture, SAMO pivoted from a “memecoin” to an experimental Web 3.0 community coin. We take inspiration from all those building in the Solana ecosystem, especially Solanas Co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko. SAMO is an emerging digital asset that backs a community concentrated on onboarding Solana users, educating market participants, making personal connections, and helping each other navigate life. While we’re the fastest, most efficient, and most eco-friendly dog money in all of crypto, we aspire to be MORE than that; we aspire to be Solana’s Ambassador. Our Vision: Accelerate the adoption, development, and growth of the Solana ecosystem.  Our Mission: Establish Samoyedcoin as Solana’s ambassador by pushing the limits of what’s possible for a Web 3.0 community.  Our Strategy: Provide market participants with the knowledge, resources, and community to better navigate Solana, crypto, and life.     $SAMO is available for purchase on several centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges, including OKX, Gemini, Kraken,, Orca, Raydium, Serum, and more.



Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 0

Volume 24hrs: 70560854
Volume 24hrs: $440,371.00
FD Market Cap: $61.20 Mil
Avail Supply: 4199489095
Total Supply: 9798477430
Coinbase: $0.00624101
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
SAMO-USDC Solana orca $15122 0.67% 1.66% -6.69%
SAMO-USDC Solana orca $49404 1.56% 9.9% -17.52%
SOL-SAMO Solana orca $294973 59.35% 53.08% -42.8%
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