
   Avalanche : AVAX $34.1115 USD   -0.387%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $34.027
$34.32025 :high

ABOUT Avalanche
Avalanche is a high throughput smart contract blockchain platform. Validators secure the network through a proof-of-stake consensus protocol. It is said to be fast, low cost, and environmental friendly. Mainnet was launched in September 21, 2020. Since then, the platform has grown to secure over 100+ individual projects, $1.4M+ of AVAX burned (reducing supply), 950+ individual block-producing validators, and over 500k+ community members around the globe. Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications can be found on Avalanche such as Pangolin, TraderJoe, and more.


Contract Addresses:

Native Holders: 4675777
Ethereum Holders: 91098
Binance Holders: 153981
Fantom Holders: 6936

Volume 24hrs: 25024466
Volume 24hrs: $853,622,071.96
FD Market Cap: $24.56 Bil
Avail Supply: 409094889
Total Supply: 720000000
Binance: $34.11
Coinbase: $34.15 $34.076
Ascendex: $34.11
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
WAVAX-USDC Avalanche beefy $250230 990.92% -10307.31% 1306.54%
W3ULL-WAVAX Avalanche uniswap-v3 $19575 447.09% 476.22% 577.52%
SHRAP-WAVAX Avalanche joe-v2.1 $94179 129.17% 162.49% 292.42%
ETH-WAVAX Avalanche beefy $140981 5.89% -650.14% 182.14%
ALOT-WAVAX Avalanche joe-v2.1 $245304 34.71% 42.49% 65.78%
WAVAX-USDT Avalanche joe-v2.1 $388035 0.04% -61.82% 63.9%
BEAM-WAVAX Avalanche joe-v2.1 $64115 37.12% 8.13% 60.36%
USDT-WAVAX Avalanche uniswap-v3 $133648 9.36% -29.5% 55.32%
WAVAX-USDC Avalanche uniswap-v3 $3969118 5.29% -78.93% 42.99%
WAVAX[HTS]-HBAR Hedera saucerswap $306516 9.79% 40.86% 39.76%
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