
   Siacoin: SC $0.00441993 USD   -4.244%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $0.005685146667
$0.00621196 :high

ABOUT Siacoin
Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform similar in concept to Dropbox and other centralized storage provider where instead of renting storage space from a centralized entity, clients rent storage space from other peers. The only difference is Sia uses blockchain to facilitate transactions Nodes provide storage to clients using the Sia blockchain as contracts. Before storing the data, the data is encrypted into many pieces and uploaded to different hosts. Siacoin is created by David Vorick and Luke Champine of Nebulous Inc. As the traditional storage platforms are higher in cost, more expensive and data is not well protected. Siacoin promises to offer secured storage transactions with smart contracts which is more affordable and reliable. Moreover, it is completely open source which means many individuals have contributed to Siacoin’s software hence there will be an active community building innovative applications on top if the Sia API. In 2018, Siacoin aims to introduce file sharing and be the go-to cloud storage platform for companies. Their goal is divided into 3 time frames which are short-term, medium-term and long-term development. Short-term development focuses on file sharing between Sia users. This allows Sia users to share files in the platform without having to take it off the cloud while increasing network utilization. Medium-term development’s goal is to enhance partnerships. This means reaching out to large companies like Netflix and Dropbox to hopefully be able to be their storage and distribution framework. Lastly, long-term development aims to expand its horizon to share files with non-Sia users and support mobile wallets.



Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 0

Volume 24hrs: 8349524466
Volume 24hrs: $36,904,313.67
FD Market Cap: $255.30 Mil
Avail Supply: 57740361723
Total Supply: 57769875000
Binance: $0.005808
Coinbase: $0.00583652 $0.0058306
Ascendex: $0.0002046
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
USDC-SCF Solana orca $22415 44.93% 30.89% 111.58%
SOL-SC Solana orca $21843 62.44% -8.06% 56.82%
SCA-SUI Sui cetus-amm $1190945 38.79% -38.72% 42.09%
SC-USDC Solana orca $21408 122.65% -167.02% 38.19%
SOL-BASC Solana orca $30956 5.97% 24.26% 27.23%
SC-$WIF Solana orca $138045 20.88% -67.52% 10.14%
USDC-USC Cronos single-finance $63017 1.99% -2.51% 8.52%
SC-POPCAT Solana orca $22538 16.78% -33.57% 4.05%
ZAAPTOSCOIN-APT Aptos cellana-finance $89189 0.14% 1.74% 1.75%
WFTM-SCREAM Fantom spookyswap-v2 $25752 1.07% 1.19% 1.53%
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