
   Reserve Rights: RSR $0.00529255333333333 USD   1.889%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $0.005164353333
$0.00534027 :high

ABOUT Reserve Rights
Reserve aims to build a stable, decentralized, asset-backed cryptocurrency and a digital payment system that scales supply with demand and maintains 100% or more collateral backing. Ultimately, Reserve’s goal is to create a universal store of value – particularly in regions with unreliable banking infrastructure and regions where hyperinflation is an issue. The Reserve system will interact with three kinds of tokens: (1) The Reserve token (RSV), which is a stable cryptocurrency that can be held and spent the way we use normal fiat money; (2) The Reserve Rights token (RSR), a protocol token used to facilitate the stability of RSV. (3) A growing variety of tokenized real-world assets (such as other stablecoins) that are held by the Reserve smart contract to back RSV.


Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 0

Volume 24hrs: 3193696678
Volume 24hrs: $16,902,810.00
FD Market Cap: $529.30 Mil
Avail Supply: 51059494603
Total Supply: 100000000000
Binance: $0.005293
Coinbase: $0.00529366 $0.005291
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
RSR-WETH Ethereum uniswap-v3 $756765 8.86% 10.63% 26.16%
RSR-FRAXBP Ethereum convex-finance $15696 0.86% 0.88% 0.77%
WETH-RSR Base uniswap-v3 $38381 16% 17.5% 0.42%
ETH+-eUSD-RSR Ethereum curve-dex $4074386 0.13% 0.38% 0.41%
RSR-FRAXBP Ethereum curve-dex $16073 0.93% 1.12% 0.07%
RSR-BSDETH Base aerodrome-v1 $622347 4.09% -1.05% -25.51%
ETH+-eUSD-RSR Arbitrum curve-dex $929552 0.33% 0.94% -29.37%
RSR-BSDETH Base beefy $54632 4.9% -2.19% -35.73%
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