
   MultiversX (Elrond): EGLD $30.30675025 USD   3.394%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $29.312
$30.4415 :high

ABOUT MultiversX (Elrond)
MultiversX (formerly Elrond) is a technology ecosystem for the new internet. Its smart contracts execution platform is capable of 15,000 TPS, 5s latency and $0.001 tx cost, focused on fintech, DeFi and IoT. MultiversX money & DeFi app Maiar offers an intuitive first-time experience with blockchain, offering progressive security and a gamified approach to unlocking more useful features. The MultiversX Proof of Stake economic model has a limited supply; its token is named eGold to convey the notion of digital store of value to the next billion users.


Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 0

Volume 24hrs: 0
Volume 24hrs: $0.00
FD Market Cap: $674.88 Mil
Avail Supply: 22237207
Total Supply: 20397843
Binance: $30.32
Coinbase: $30.335001 $30.392
Ascendex: $30.18
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
BOBER-WEGLD MultiversX xexchange $26927 46.02% 67.77% 112.75%
WEGLD-CGO MultiversX ashswap $18949 1.01% -0.83% 10.07%
WEGLD-USDC MultiversX xexchange $4725760 0.24% -8.03% 8.95%
BHAT-WEGLD MultiversX xexchange $175430 6.63% 7.37% 7.51%
ASH-WEGLD MultiversX xexchange $757825 0.17% 5.68% 6.29%
EGLD MultiversX hatom-lending $1670941 2.02% 4.27% 3.78%
WEGLD-MEX MultiversX xexchange $14448929 0.01% -0.15% 0.05%
SEGLD MultiversX hatom-lending $36641936 0.03% 0.01% -0.06%
SEGLD-WEGLD MultiversX ashswap $2026007 0.11% 0.21% -0.09%
HTM-WEGLD MultiversX xexchange $4100037 2.14% 1.03% -1.31%
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