
   Fantom : FTM $1.27168975 USD   24.405%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $1.000167
$1.33603 :high

ABOUT Fantom
FANTOM is a new DAG based Smart Contract platform that intends to solve the scalability issues of existing public distributed ledger technologies. The platform intends to distinguish itself from the traditional block ledger-based storage infrastructure by attempting to employ an improved version of existing DAG-based pro-tocols. The FANTOM platform adopts a new protocol known as the “Lachesis Protocol” to maintain consensus. This protocol is intended to be integrated into the Fantom OPERA Chain. The aim is to allow applications built on top of the FANTOM OPERA Chain to enjoy instant transactions and near zero transaction costs for all users. The mission of FANTOM is to provide compatibility between all transaction bodies around the world, and create an ecosystem which allows real-time transactions and data sharing with low cost.


Contract Addresses:

Native Holders: 39617851
Ethereum Holders: 116733
Binance Holders: 100501

Volume 24hrs: 1796828313
Volume 24hrs: $2,285,008,148.15
FD Market Cap: $4.04 Bil
Avail Supply: 2803634836
Total Supply: 3175000000
Binance: $1.2684
Coinbase: $1.27 $1.2696
Ascendex: $1.278759
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
FTM-WBNB BSC uniswap-v3 $151386 419.46% 190.69% 458.98%
SOL-FTM Solana orca $208910 206.52% 118.02% 287.69%
SOL-FTM Solana orca $42016 298.78% 104.76% 277.15%
GOGLZ-SFTMX Fantom beethoven-x-dex $64901 59.05% 139.31% 212.08%
FTM-WETH Ethereum uniswap-v3 $3031464 124.16% -54.1% 202.21%
THC-SFTMX Fantom beethoven-x-dex $46047 88.13% 100.27% 136.53%
AXLUSDC-WFTM-USDC.E-GOGLZ Fantom beethoven-x-dex $22463 81.66% -72.88% 132.69%
LZUSDC-WFTM Fantom beefy $12282 23.19% 91.85% 111.69%
MLP(FTM-BTC-ETH-USDC-USDT-DAI) Fantom morphex-v2 $1489761 24.57% 88.88% 98.21%
WFTM-BEETS Fantom spookyswap-v2 $26967 34.07% 71.21% 95.97%
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