
   Utrust: UTK $0.04439 USD   -8.117%
120 days
7 days
24 hours
1 hour
low: $0.02997
$0.04952 :high

ABOUT Utrust
The Utrust platform allows merchants to accept digital currencies as a means of payment. It brings digital currencies to mainstream consumers, while providing a reliable buyer protection, and credibility like more traditional payment platforms. An easy to integrate API for merchants and a best-in-class UX for buyers. Utrust stands at the intersection of three high-growth markets - e-commerce, mobile payments and cryptocurrency, tackling a combined multi-trillion dollar market with billions of users and rapid growth. Money reimagined for the digital age We believe digital currency is the future of money and the genesis of a more open financial system. Its transformative power will open financial services to all citizens in a connected world. Utrust long-term vision is to become the leading platform for digital consumer currency payments, delivering a trusted blockchain payment solution to the world’s most successful companies. A mainstream means-of-payment The Utrust platform supports multiple digital currencies, including our own native token - UTK. Users can purchase goods and services, with a zero-fee exchange rate. It is also used on refunds and as part of our affiliate referral program.



Contract Addresses:

Ethereum Holders: 22609

Volume 24hrs: 0
Volume 24hrs: $0.00
FD Market Cap: $22.20 Mil
Avail Supply: 470000000
Total Supply: 500000000
Binance: $0.04439
Liquidity Pools:

Symbol Chain Project TVL ($ USD) 1D APY 7D APY 30D APY
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